A New Beginning

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Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates, life has been busy.

I want to tell you guys that I am no longer at Fescher Neoilustração studio, the place where I’ve been working for the past five years.

With a good amount of planning, I decided it was time to focus on my stuff and on the things I wanted to do. I have always dreamed about entering the entertainment industry, and just wasn’t getting enough time to work and practice to be able to switch. Entertainment has always been my passion, and I have decided to follow my call right now, not tomorrow.

I want to thank everyone involved in the studio for all those years of learning, laughing and being there for me.
Many things we did together, and I am going to miss that team. They were truly awesome ❤

Above is an image of my current plan of studies for the next four months.

Since there has been a loooong time since university and focus on studies, it will prove an interesting and rewarding ride.